Electric vehicles(EVs) have acharacteristic that makes it difficult to fully extinguish fires once they occur. Therefore, if a fire breaks out on a PCTC that transports multiple vehicles, including EVs, it could lead to a major accident. In response, KR held a HAZID workshop earlier this year to discuss fire safety relatedto EVs on PCTC vessels, inviting experts from various fields, including PCTC operators, shipyards, and the fire research institutes.
The attached report, based on discussions during the HAZID analysis, examines the characteristics of EV fireson PCTCs. It summarizes key factors in ship design, construction, and operations to reduce the fire risks and minimize damage. As such, this report is recommended as a foundational resource for developing fire response strategies to ensure the safe maritime transport of EVs.
Kind regards,
Environment & Piping Team / Technical Division
Korean Register