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Detention Notice
Total : 371, Page : 1 / 38
Detention Notice Board (No , Title, File, Date, View)
371CHIBA, JAPAN 2024-12-101281
370OSAKA, JAPAN 2024-12-1072
369DONGYING, CHINA 2024-12-1063
368LAEM CHABANG, THAILAND 2024-12-1049
367ZHANGJIAGANG, CHINA 2024-12-1052
366BRINDISI, ITALY 2024-12-1037
365LANDSKRONA, SWEDEN 2024-12-1025
364VALPARAISO, CHILE 2024-12-1017
363SHANTOU, CHINA 2024-12-1030
362SHANGHAI, CHINA 2024-12-1034

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· Inquiry
  • Dept. Survey Team
  • TEL +82 70 8799 8208
  • FAX +82 70 8799 8219
  • E-mail psc@krs.co.kr