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Branch/Department Information
Marine & Ocean Equipment Team
TEL +82 70 8799 8267
FAX +82 70 8799 8269
EMAIL equipment@krs.co.kr
ADDRESS 36, Myeongji ocean city 9-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, 46762 Republic of Korea
Affiliated employee
NO, Department, Name, Position, Tel 조회 내용이 담겨있는 표
NO Department Name Position Tel Task
1 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team YE Byungkwon General Manager +82-070-8799-8240 General Manager of the Marine & Ocean Equipment Team
2 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team AN Hwayong Principal Surveyor +82-070-8799-8246 1. Manufacturing process approval of metallic materials 2. Type approval of welding consumables
3 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team AN Junho Deputy Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-8248 ● Equipment Approval and Inspection (Part I_Class Equipment) - TA : Electronic and Electric Equipment ● Other Business - Regular events in Busan related to equipment
4 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team BAE Gyungwoo Deputy Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-8254 ● Approval and Survey (Part 1 (Class Equip.)) - MP: Hull (Anchors, Ropes) - TA: Hull (HHP Anchors, Securing Devices, Fire Protection/Insulation Materials, Component for LNG CCS, etc.) - DA: LNG Cargo Containment System, Loading Inst./Container Lashing Calc. Program ● Other business - MESIS: Individual EEquipment(P.I.C)
5 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team CHO Seonghoon Principal Surveyor +82-070-8799-8250 ● Approval and Survey (Part 1 Class Equipment) - TA, DA, QA, DA : Electronic&Electric Equipment, Navigation&Communication Equipment - NTQ ● Other business - IACS Machinery Panel - IEC TC80K National Secretary etc.,
6 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team CHO Wookrae Principal Surveyor +82-070-8799-8253 ○ BWMS Approval (USCG, KG and KR) ○ Statutory Equipment - Drawing Approval
7 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team CHOI Sanghoon Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-8252 ○ Cyber Security Type Approval - Drawing Approval - Equipment Survey
8 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team HONG Doocheol Principal Surveyor +82-070-8799-8243 ● Approval and Survey (Part 1 (Class Equip.)) - MP: Hull (Anchors, Ropes) - TA: Hull (HHP Anchors, Securing Devices, Fire Protection/Insulation Materials, Component for LNG CCS, etc.) - DA: LNG Cargo Containment System, Loading Inst./Container Lashing Calc. Program ● Other business - MESIS: Approval of Class Equipment
9 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team HONG Jifu Deputy Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-7797 Approval and Inspection for Materials and Equipment in China Area Product Certification in China Area
10 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team JIN Seungje Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-8180 ● Approval and Survey - TA, DA, QA : Electronic&Electric Equipment, Navigation&Communication Equipment - Class related New equipment approval and NTQ - Ship Operation Simulator Approval
11 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team KANG Minsu Deputy Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-8247 * Equip. Survey
12 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team KIM Gihoon Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-8241 ● Equipment Approval and Inspection (Part 1_Class Equipment) - MP : Boiler & Pressure vessel - TA : Machinery Equipment (Engine etc.) - DA : Machinery Equipment (Pump, Pressure Vessel, etc.) - QA : Machinery Equipment (Engine, Pump, Valve, etc.)
13 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team KIM Junga Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-8249 ○ Class approval work of machinery and auxiliary items
14 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team KIM Kipyoung Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-8259 ● Approval and Survey (Part 2 (Statutory Equipment)) ● Other business - Approval of test laboratory(P.I.C)
15 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team LEE Gyeonghwan Principal Surveyor +82-070-8799-8264 ● Approval and Survey (Part 2 (Statutory Equipment)) - TA: BWMS (Class Approval, USCG), BWMS components (Class Approval) - Drawing Approval: Readiness Evaluation on BWMS, Ship Equipment Preliminary Inspection, Marine Pollution Prevention
16 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team LEE Kyungtae Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-8181 ● Approval and Survey (Part 2 (Statutory Equipment)) - TA: Ballast Water Management System (Foreign Government Type Approval, Class Approval, USCG Type Approval Testing) ● Other business º IMO: MEPC and PPR (Ballast Water Management Convention (P.I.C.) and Biofouling Guidelines (Deputy) º IACS: Environmental Panel Project Team (P.I.C.)
17 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team MOON Seoin Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-8251 ○ Approval and Survey - Class Type Approval of Hull Equipment - Drawing Approval of Preliminary Inspection for Ship Equipment(Hull)
18 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team OH Jina Senior Supervisor +82-070-8799-8267 ㅇ Administration and Documents Work
19 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team PARK Daejun Deputy Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-8244 ● Equipment Approval and Inspection (Part 1_Class Equipment) - MP : Boiler & Pressure vessel - TA : Machinery Equipment (Engine etc.) - DA : Machinery Equipment (Pump, Pressure Vessel, etc.) - QA : Machinery Equipment (Engine, Pump, Valve, etc.)
20 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team SHON Myungbaek Principal Surveyor +82-070-8799-8258 ○ Approval and Survey - Class Type Approval of BWMS - USCG type approval testing on BWMS
21 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team SONG Imju Staff +82-070-8799-8268 ㅇ Administration and Documents Work
22 Marine & Ocean Equipment Team SONG Seoksang Senior Surveyor +82-070-8799-8242 ● Equipment Approval and Inspection (Part I_Class Equipment) - TA : Electronic and Electric Equipment ●Other Business - Instruction for the Classification Survey - KR E-MESIS