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Branch/Department Information
Planning & Coordination Team
TEL +82 70 8799 8020
FAX +82 70 8799 8059
EMAIL plancoord@krs.co.kr
ADDRESS 36, Myeongji ocean city 9-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, 46762 Republic of Korea
Affiliated employee
NO, Department, Name, Position, Tel 조회 내용이 담겨있는 표
NO Department Name Position Tel Task
1 Planning & Coordination Team KIM Sunghoon General Manager +82-070-8799-8020 In charge of Planning and coordination team. 1. Strategic performance management. 2. Budget and balance analysis. 3. Regulation management. 4. Managing the service network. 5. Managing Board of Directors
2 Planning & Coordination Team AHN Jaebum Manager +82-070-8799-8022 1. Cost Analysis 2. Budget Management
3 Planning & Coordination Team DO Yujeong Senior Manager +82-070-8799-8010 Protocol and Secretarial Work
4 Planning & Coordination Team JO Eunjin Assistant Supervisor +82-070-8799-8031 1. Weekly Work Report 2. Management of agreement documents 3. Maintenance of Service network (Document Certification) 4. Training
5 Planning & Coordination Team KANG Sohyeon Staff +82-070-8799-8011
6 Planning & Coordination Team KIM Jiyoung Administrative Staff +82-070-8799-8024 1. Budget Management 2. Coordinating departments tasks & duties
7 Planning & Coordination Team LEE Insoo Manager +82-070-8799-8027 Company-wide BSC Government affairs
8 Planning & Coordination Team MUN Myongsu Manager +82-070-8799-8023 Establishing revising KR Survey Tariff, Tariff for Korean flagged ships
9 Planning & Coordination Team YUN Jeenhui Manager +82-070-8799-8032 - Work related BoD Meeting & General Assembly - Standing Director related Work