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[2024-IMO-03] Amendments to MARPOL Annex V related to mandating the Garbage Record Book for ships of 100 GT and above, and survey in accordance with MARPOL Annex V.
Registration date : 2024.03.11 Views : 190

MARPOL Annex V Reg.10.3, asamended by resolution MEPC.360(79), requires that every ship of 100 GT andabove (currently, every ship of 400 GT and above) shall be provided onboard with a Garbage Record Book prior to the date of entry into force (1 May2024)


In relation to theamendment to MARPOL Annex V, we would like to provide technical information forship owners, surveyors, and other relevant parties.


Kind regards,


Convention &Legislation Service Team

Statutory Division

Korean Register